When is the tourist season in China?

China is a large and incredibly interesting Asian country with a rich culture, centuries-old history and unique natural beauties. Every year, millions of tourists from all over the world come here to see the Great Wall of China, visit ancient temples and cities, and enjoy the beauty of mountains and beaches. But before planning a trip, it is important to know when the tourist season in China reaches its peak in order to plan your trip correctly.

When is the tourist season in China?

Seasons in China

The Chinese climate depends on the region, which is due to the considerable area of its territory. In general, China can be divided into several climatic zones. There is a subtropical climate zone in the south and southeast, and a continental climate in the north and center of the country. The subtropical zone is characterized by year-round warmth and high humidity, while the continental zone has cold, snowy winters and hot, dry summers.

If you want to know more precisely when the season in China begins and ends for a successful trip to the country, travel experts will briefly introduce you to the peculiarities of the Chinese seasons.  

  • Spring is an ideal time to visit the central and southern regions for sightseeing purposes, as well as to relax on the beaches, for example, Hainan. 
  • Summer is characterized by high temperatures and humidity, especially in the southern and eastern regions, it is hot in the resorts, and sometimes it rains. It is high season for mainland resorts such as Beidaihe and Yantai.  
  • Autumn is the best time for different types of recreation (beach, sightseeing). The weather at this time is often dry, which is good for a trip to the sea. For example, it will be very comfortable to spend an October or November vacation on the island of Hainan, which is popular among tourists.
  • Winter is a great time for a ski holiday. The weather in the north of the country is often cold and snowy. For example, there are more than 30 ski recreation areas in Liaoning Province. 

When to go to the seaside resorts: high season

So, when is the beach season in China? There are many magnificent beaches and seaside resorts in the country, among the most popular are Sanya and Dadonhai on Hainan. The optimal time to relax on the coasts of the island is from March to November. The water temperature at this time reaches a comfortable +25…28 °C. There is little precipitation in February-March and October-November, the rest of the time it may be hotter and sometimes rainy. But this circumstance rarely stops tourists, so there are also a lot of tourists in Hainan in the summer. When the season in China for beach holidays is at its peak, many come to the coast to enjoy the sea, the sun and a variety of water activities.

In mainland resorts (Yantai, Weihai), the beach season is shorter – from May to October.

Periods for the best sightseeing holidays

Spring and autumn (starting in October) are suitable for a trip with an excursion purpose. The weather in most of the country is pleasant and moderate, which makes it comfortable to explore the sights. At this time, you can enjoy walking through ancient cities, visiting cultural monuments and natural parks without the sweltering heat or cold. 

Not the best period for curious tourists will be summer, when the typhoon season in China. They peak in August and September. Typhoons most often affect the southern and eastern coasts.

When is the tourist season in China?

What to do in low season?

The low season in China opens up unique opportunities for those who prefer active recreation or seek to avoid large crowds of tourists. Here are some ideas where to go:

  • Ski resorts.If you are not interested in when the swimming season is in China, but you prefer winter entertainment, pay attention to the resorts of Yabuli and Qilianshan. as well as others in the north and northeast of China.
  • Thermal springs. People come to China not only to swim in the sea or go skiing, here you can also improve your health at healing springs (Beidaihe, Dalian, Nanjing).
  • Festivals. Visit traditional Chinese holidays and festivals. One of the most spectacular is the Chinese New Year, as well as the Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin.

When planning a trip, it is worth considering when it is rainy season in China. It usually lasts from June to August. The rainy season is most pronounced in the southern regions, and can be characterized by heavy downpours. But they usually end quickly and don’t bother tourists too much. Most precipitation falls at night. 

Having determined when the sea holiday season is in China, you can choose the optimal time to travel to beach resorts and enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

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